“You’re prancing around half-dressed in my body, Ken! That’s not adapting, that’s–that’s indecent!”
He didn’t back down, her height giving him the upper hand as he looked down at his own face. I’m starting to get why everyone’s always staring.”
She blinked,Seducing her gaze following his hands as he explored. He turned to the bed, pulling back the sheets with a gentle hand, the white fabric crisp and inviting. We stayed local for that first evening ending up eating a lovely meal in the pub before retiring for the night.
I used the shower block to prepare for bed and then tiredly snuggled into my mummy shaped sleeping bag.
The sound of a blackbird singing roused me from my slumber and as I opened my eyes I was overjoyed to see that Susan had suffered a wardrobe malfunction and her large right breast was clearly visible between the sides of her pyjama top.